*Note this is the number 1 asked question on synthasite.
Well first thing you should do is leave the page loading for a DAY ATLEAST. If you really like your page try A WEEK. I'm serious. These pages never load. IT IS DUE TO INCORRECT HTML CODES. (I've remade my home page on my real site 4 times!) The best trick to avoid html errors is the ever popular TEST page. You put your html code there. Save it. Then close. Now re-open your test page and see if it takes time loading. If it does delete page and now you know that code was bad! There's also another route. If your doing any big javascript or html code where your page could stop loading BACK UP THE PAGE. To do that you click save. Then there's an arrow right next to save click it. Now click Save-As. Then save it as something else. Ex. "blah" save-as "blahh" Or something else. Now if your page stops laoding delete it and use your "blahh" or "back-up" page.